Before Starting Process.....
Replace shipping caps on bottles with dispensing caps or remove inner liner.
WASH DOWN & DRY THE SURFACE [IG Pink or regular detergent well diluted with water].
Shake products well while using
NOTE: Choose a warm (ideally above 65o F), dry day. Start early enough to allow for evening dew.
NOTE: Try to ensure each treated area is rendered waterproof by the end of the day. All areas will look the same when finished.
STEP 1: DE-OXIDIZE & CONDITION THE GELCOAT (the most important step)
a) APPLY Cleanser/Conditioner to 1 - 4 square feet of surface (use white paper towel swab). Surface should be well wetted with product and evenly spread. [NEUTRAL CLEAR™ is suitable for ALL colors, SEA GLOW™ is best for white, red & blue. CLICK HERE for explanation].
b) VERY LIGHTLY SCUFF with 3M synthetic steel wool pad [“000 Extra Fine”]. to “open up” the surface, allowing product to penetrate into the pores. Horizontal “back and forth” motion of the pad gives a uniform “silken” appearance to wetted surface. Be sure to remove grime and oxidation from minor scratches, that will then "disappear". [ Note: You can speed this stage by use of a Black & Decker® "Mouse™ " or similar orbital/linear sander, attaching the scuff pad onto the velcro backing of the rubber pad ].
c) DRAW UP OXIDATION & STAINS from the wetted area by wiping it with a ball of paper towel soaked in fresh product. Repeat this step until the gelcoat looks really clean and the paper towel swabs come up clean.
d) WIPE OFF EXCESS PRODUCT from the surface using paper towel. Inactivate cleanser by wiping over area with water-wetted paper towel [DO NOT HOSE OFF, as this will remove conditioner from the gelcoat pores].
e) IMMEDIATELY REMOVE EXCESS CONDITIONER by wiping to dryness with fresh clean paper towel. Surface should now be very clean and dry, with no streaks. It will have an even silken sheen. [ Note: If conditioner dries on surface , as in very hot weather, it will leave streaks. Remove them with a little fresh Cleanser/Conditioenr, then repeat steps d) & e) ].
a) APPLY ELIXIR™ to 1 - 4 square feet of surface (use white paper towel swab). Surface should be well wetted with product and evenly spread.[Suitable for ALL colors, including white, see HERE for explantion]
b) VERY LIGHTLY SCUFF with 3M synthetic steel wool pad [“000 Extra Fine”]. to “open up” the surface, allowing product to penetrate into the pores. Horizontal “back and forth” motion of the pad gives a uniform “silken” appearance to wetted surface. Be sure to remove grime and oxidation from minor scratches, that will then "disappear". [ Note: You can speed this stage by use of a Black & Decker® "Mouse™ " or similar orbital/linear sander, attaching the scuff pad onto the velcro backing of the rubber pad ].
c) DRAW UP OXIDATION & STAINS from the wetted area by wiping it with a ball of paper towel soaked in fresh product. Repeat this step until the gelcoat looks really clean and the paper towel swabs come up clean.
d) WIPE OFF EXCESS PRODUCT from the surface using paper towel or microfiber cloth
f) WIPE OFF ANY SURFACE OILINESS with Microfiber Towel. Surface should now be very clean and dry, with no streaks. Use of SLICKSEAL™ at this stage is a good idea. It will have an even silken sheen.

In very high humidity conditions, Make sure that the surface coating is DRY (rubbing hard by hand or buffing wheel will heat surface to dryness)
For faster curing, SB Catalyst™ can be applied
first and on the partially cured surface.
When Dry, gently wipe off any
surface oiliness with microfiber cloth.
Can use SLICKSEAL™ on partially cured surface for FAST results.

APPLY SIMPLY BRILLIANT Superwax™ (2 coats, first one thin and then one thicker one).
In cool conditions or very porous gelcoal, SB Catalyst™ can be applied first and directly onto the partially cured surface.
When Dry, wipe off any surface oiliness from excess additives. (Can be water rinsed first}. Use SLICKSEAL™ applied during or after hardening of the resin coating.

extra high gloss &
stain resistance

NOTE: If SIMPLY BRILLIANT™ is not available, use MIRROR HARD™ Instead (i.e. go straight to step 3B).
Their formulae are almost identical.
a) On white and light-colored gelcoat, make sure that most surface porosity has been removed in areas where ELIXIR™ and/or MIRROR HARD Superglaze™ fail to provide adequate gloss (Click HERE for Tech Bulletin). Your will see the partially broken-down gelcoat on the gray scuff pad.
b) On dark-colored VERY porous gelcoat (black, dark blue), ELIXIR™ alone may not be capabe of completely sealing the surface pores. This causes dull areas where the MIRROR HARD™ is applied, because it has soaked into the surface. Use SLICKSEAL™ or SILKENSEAL™ to seal the surface pores before application of a fresh coat of MIRROR HARD™ Superglaze™ . It will set even faster because of the SB Catalyst™ contained in the SLICKSEAL™ formulation.
c) Dulling of shine by premature exposure to water (rain etc ). This problem is now largely non-existant due to the quick-setting resins in our newer version of MIRROR HARD™ and also the rapid curing and water-repellant surface produced by application of SLICKSEAL™ to the partially cured resin coating.
WARNING: Once you have used the ISLAND GIRL™ process on gelcoat or paintwork, you should avoid further use of liquid wax or polish. The solvent in these products will partially dissolve the resin coating and imbed the abrasive grit contained in these products. This will ruin the pristine surface shine.